“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.” – Psalm 136: 1
The Leadership Transformations lead team enlighten us with formative insights about the spiritual significance of giving thanks. Susan Currie, Rick Anderson, Jeremy Stefano, and Matt Scott join the conversation and add their reflections on gratitude. They begin with their favorite Scripture passages that focus on a thankful heart in the Psalms and throughout the Old and New Testament. They shared notable Thanksgiving hymns that have been special to them, including Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, Now Thank We All Our God, and Come Ye Thankful People Come. In addition, they encouraged one another with memories of their childhood, gifts of the past year for which they are thankful, as well as meaningful spiritual practices that birth gratitude in their hearts and relationships. Fostering a thankful heart is indeed central to the development of the discerning leader’s heart.

Steve Macchia (Podcast Host)
Founder and President of Leadership Transformations
Steve is the author of The Discerning Life, Becoming a Healthy Church, Broken and Whole, Crafting a Rule of Life and several other titles. Steve has over 40 years in ministry and two postgraduate degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Rick Anderson (Season 27 Guest)
Executive Vice President
Rick has a passion for spiritual formation, spiritual direction and leadership development. He has completed the Selah Certificate Program in Spiritual Direction, as well as New Way Ministries’ School of Spiritual Direction and the Advanced School, both taught by Dr. Larry Crabb. Prior to LTI, Rick served as the COO of the Christian Writers Guild and the Director of Finance & Operations at Trinity Law School. He currently serves as a board member for Peregrine Ministries and Beyond Survival.

Susan Currie (Season 27 Guest)
Director of Selah
Susan serves as the Director of Leadership Transformation Inc’s Selah Certificate Training Program in Spiritual Direction. Over the past 30 years, she has offered retreat leadership and formation ministry to various church and parachurch bodies. Susan also serves as Affiliated Clergy with All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral in Amesbury, MA.

Matt Scott (Season 27 Guest)
Creative Director
With 15 years of local church experience, Matt has served various churches in the area of worship and arts, community life, shepherding, and pastoral ministry. A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (MDiv) and the University of Mobile (Worship Leadership and Music Performance), Matt has a heart to shepherd people through songwriting, worship leadership, and pastoral care. He and his wife, Kristen, live in Bluffton, South Carolina with their two children, Emerson and Ashton.

Jeremy Stefano (Season 27 Guest)
Director of Emmaus and Director of Abide
Jeremy offers spiritual direction, leads retreats, teaches classes in spiritual formation and serves as the directors of the Emmaus: Certificate in Formational Leadership and Abide: Certificate in Spiritual Formation. The heartbeat of Jeremy’s calling is to encourage Christian leaders in the cultivation of their relationship with God. He has served churches as a local pastor, interim pastor and as a visiting Bible teacher in Southern Africa and North America.