
PATHWAYS Weekly Newsletter
PATHWAYS is our weekly newsletter where we regularly offer free resources for the care and nurture of your soul.

The Discerning Leader Podcast
The Discerning Leader Podcast is designed for Christian leaders who are interested in discovering the joy of practicing a preference for God in all aspects of their personal lives, ministries, relationship with God and service to others.

Blog by Steve Macchia
Reflections from Leadership Transformation's founder and president, Steve Macchia.

Spiritual Direction
Listing of spiritual directors who have completed training with our Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction training program

Steve's Books
Explore Steve's books that span topics such as spiritual leadership, church health, spiritual discernment, and a personal rule of life.

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Sabbatical Planning
The word sabbatical comes from Sabbath – so it should be restful above all else. Through an intentional coaching process, we help ministers make their sabbatical a truly life-giving, restful, and renewing experience.

Enneagram Consults
The Enneagram is a powerful self-awareness tool that helps us explore the diverse gifts, virtues, vices, and deadly sins that are being transformed into Christ's image. We offer workshops, consultations, and coaching for individuals, couples, and ministry teams using the WEPSS inventory.

Discernment for Teams
While listening attentively to each team's unique needs, we provide a unique approach for spiritual discernment, with focused attention on helping leaders to prayerfully discern the presence and power of God.