Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott
“Fasting is not an opportunity for us to enter into a diet experience. If we are giving up something hoping that at the end of the fast we might also be down five pounds, that seems to miss the heart of what Jesus is talking about.” – Matt Scott
Prayer and fasting go together. This is to realign your heart with God’s heart. In episode seven, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of fasting. Fasting welcomes and invites discomfort and suffering into our physical body. We practice fasting because it is biblical, important and Jesus gave His followers instructions for fasting, saying “When you fast.” Steve admits that even though he knows how good fasting is for the soul, he still struggles with it. We may fast along with the church calendar, in repentance, for discernment, or dependence on God. All of these reorder our attachments and realign our priorities around God’s priorities which deepens our relationship with God and with others. This episode includes a guided reflection to help you start the practice of fasting.
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