Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Ken Shigematsu
“People are so busy and anxious today; turning to things that give a temporary lift but not a lasting contentment. A rule of life can give us a longer term of abiding peace and a deeper trust in God.” –Ken Shigematsu
Using the image of a trellis to describe our personal rule of life, Ken Shigematsu, author of God in My Everything (Zondervan), places emphasis on the roots of Sabbath, prayer, and sacred reading. Building on that foundation are the day-to-day pieces of life – family, friends, work and play. We relate in spiritual friendship, in our sexuality, and in family life. We are restored by the care for our physical body, childlike play, and generous stewardship of our finances. We reach out to others in our work, in acts of justice, and in our verbal and lifestyle witness.
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