My dad was an imperfect father. I criticized him for years as a result. But then I became a pretty imperfect father myself; I now have a lot more grace for my dad-who-tried-his-best. In fact, most dads I know these days are laced with imperfections. They seem to eek out more times than we care to admit and we certainly don’t admire them when they emerge (and reemerge over and over again). Imperfections are what we all have in common, and on the heels of Fathers Day 2012 I’m grateful for the kindness of my family’s love despite my imperfections (thanks for a special day, Ruthie, Nate and Bekah!).
What’s great about earthly imperfect dads is how wonderfully redeemed they become when they submit to their Father God who’s nothing but perfection…and grace. You see, when I spend too much time thinking about all my imperfections I feel pretty crummy about myself as a dad. My brokenness can get the best of me. On the other hand, when I think too highly about myself and all that I’ve given, offered, and sacrificed in behalf of my children I can easily get puffed up with pride. I love getting cards from my kids espousing all the many wonderful blessings I’ve offered them over the years (they were especially delightful this Father’s Day!). But, when I pause and reflect on the years we’ve been family and my role as father I can get pretty melancholy about all that I didn’t do, say or be in my children’s behalf.
The teeter totter of pride on one side and imperfection on the other is balanced by the grace, mercy and peace of God. Father God is the One who lovingly created me and ordained my days. He sent his Son Jesus to live, die and be raised up so that I can experience resurrection life now and always. The Father shared His Spirit with me at the point of my conversion and has filled and empowered me ever since. Father God is standing on the porch of heaven and He’s got his eyes peeled on me as His beloved son and He wants nothing more than to occupy my every waking moment. When I come to my senses and turn His direction He’s there to greet and gift and guide me by His tender loving hand.
Yes, that’s pretty awesomely perfect of God the Father. His perfection redeems all my imperfections, claims them as His own, seals them by the blood of His Son, forgives them and even forgets them as far as the east is from the west. God the Father is the fountain and wellspring of life. He is the origin and the object of our worship. Father God is the hero of our hearts, fellow brothers and fathers on earth. So let’s claim our sonship and cling to Him, find courage in Him and seek consolation from Him. Happy Fathers Day 2012! [[Note to all my female readers…thanks for allowing me the privilege of writing about fatherhood and sonship on Father’s Day. I hope you can find great joy in trusting the Father today as well. His love is for you too, dear daughters and sisters of God!]]
“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir,” Galatians 4:4-7.