This week’s post is taken from Flora Slosson Wuellner’s book, Feed My Shepherds. In the following quote we are reminded of the always initiating presence of the living Christ. I offer it to you as a way to prayerfully consider your longings and desires as you seek to articulate your personal rule of life.
“I am with you always.” “This is the eternal source of our daily life of prayer. This is no technique. We are in deep waters of the most intimate of all possible relationships that flow to us – forever fresh and new – from minute to minute. And, as with all that lives, our relationship with the ultimate Person is organic, open-ended, unexpected, asymmetrical, and unfolding…
You might think of or picture yourself walking with Jesus or sitting across from him. Ask him as you might a beloved friend, “What can I do each day to respond from my heart to your presence? What is best and most real for me?” You may wish to ask these questions of the living Jesus Christ each day: “How can I best experience your transforming friendship today? What way can we best share and talk together today?”
It may appear that each day will differ. Or you may feel the inner suggestion to have one main way of prayer for a period of time. Whatever suggestion surfaces will be in rhythm with the type of person you essentially are – because that is the person GOD created and loves.”
The true GOD invites you to become the true YOU. Celebrate both and you’ll live the joyfully abundant life today, humbly and for the glory of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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