There’s something very fascinating about watching teams synchronize and coordinate their efforts…swimming, dancing, skiing, etc. When ministry teams are in sync there is sweetness in both the execution of gifts and the multiplication of fruitfulness.
Recently the Leadership Transformations ministry team had a day of synchronized service that was delightful…even though on this particular day we were miles apart from one another. One team member was coaching a church in Colorado. Another pair of team members were leading a soul care retreat day for women in MA. Still another team couple was facilitating a church retreat in Vermont. And yours truly was teaching spiritual guides about the soul in MA. All on the same day.
When our team is in sync with one another, there’s an explosion of joy. This happens when we’re serving in the same setting, as well as when we’re separated by miles and time zones. Relationally we love one another deeply. Missionally we share a common hope for the spiritual formation of leaders. Spiritually we are prayerful in each other’s behalf. Emotionally we are for one another’s success. Bottom line: it’s very sweet.
The Scriptures are replete with examples of oneness, unity, and synchronized living. The Bible is also filled with stories of disunity and disharmony in the body. Jesus’ arrival on planet earth had an explicit goal of reconciling people to God and then harmonizing their efforts toward the building up of God’s Kingdom. Is that the desire of your team too?
The growing community of those who are crafting a rule of life ( are learning that their gifts and talents are to be used in concert with others in the body of Christ. Share your story with those on our team and join the journey today!
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Eph. 4: 3-6).