What is it for you that opens up your soul, the place where God alone seeks to reside? For me, in addition to personal and corporate worship, there are two major entrees: creation and music.
In creation, when I am near any body of water (stream, brook, river, lake, ocean, cove, etc.) there’s something about this part of creation that stirs my soul. As I’m writing this blog I’m looking out on a Cape Cod (MA) inlet with swans gracing the placid sea marsh, a handful of sail boats moving slowly across the salt water, and green foliage everywhere surrounding this small body of water. This sight is brimming with vitality and my soul comes alive when I consider how creative God is in designing this luxurious setting for his people to enjoy. in addition to bodies of water, my soul sings with majesty and awe at the sight of dramatic mountains, dynamic storms, four-legged creatures, birds in flight, blooming gardens, delightful sunsets, and wide open spaces. God’s creation is amazing to consider.
In music, when i hear God-honoring lyrics harmonizing with the sounds of instruments being played by those who are gifted to compose and play their songs, I’m brought to a sense of worshipful wonder. My soul especially resonates with the great hymns of the church, written over the centuries to emphasize good theology and meaningful praxis for the body of Christ. Singing alone, in choruses and in congregations makes my soul swell with joy – whether in absolute delight in God or as I’m touched in a deep and tender place within. God’s gifted song-writers, singers, and instrumentalists bring music to our ears and minister grace to our souls.
The most natural default of my innermost being, drawing me into the presence and praise of God, is through the mediums of creation and music. These two entrees into my soul bring to life the reading and receiving of God’s Word, my ability to listen for God’s still small voice in prayer, and my inmost desire to become ever more reflective about my life in Christ.
What are the entrees into your soul? Pay attention to the ways you invite God into the place he longs to reside: at the center of your heart and soul. He’s more than eager to meet you there!