
Jan 20 2022


Eastern Time
10:00 am - 1:00 pm



The Priority and Practice of Soul Care

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Tuesday 1/18/2022, 4:00 PM (Eastern)

God’s invitation for his beloved children is always for deeper intimacy. He’s the Lover of our souls and longs to be given top priority in our daily lives. But, the distractions are abundant and its often elusive to know how best to make choices that feed our longings for more of God. In this interactive online workshop, you will be introduced to sustaining practices that feed your soul. Hop off the treadmill of constant noise and activity and join us for this important conversation.

Online via ZOOM

Thurs, Jan 20, 2022, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (Eastern Time)



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"What a beautiful time to be refreshed and refocus. I learned clear steps to take, while new depths of my soul were tugged towards God's gentle care. This was a much needed time to pause and listen."
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"Most helpful, other than the presentation itself, was the time for reflection after each practice was presented. I appreciated the questions on which to reflect and the encouragement from Steve and David to listen for the gentle voice of the Lord. It was not an exercise meant to bring on self-condemnation and shame. I came away from the workshop hearing the Lord drawing me into further refection with Him. "
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Very organized layout and I feel like you did a good job going deep with a small amount of time. I left with good tools and ideas for different areas of soul care and definitely want to do more of your online courses! I also really appreciate how Biblically-centered you are. I have found that many others who teach this subject seem to consider the role of Scripture as less important, but you all make it central. Thank you!

Have any questions? Contact Chrissy Chang with Leadership Transformations, Inc (LTI).

Fill out my online form.

Steve Macchia

Founder & President

Steve is a graduate of Northwestern College (IA) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div. and D.Min.). His prior ministry includes serving on the pastoral staff at Grace Chapel (Lexington, MA) and as president of Vision New England. Since July 1, 2003 Steve has served as founder and president of Leadership Transformations, director of the Pierce Center for Disciple-Building, and adjunct faculty in the Doctor of Ministry department at Gordon-Conwell. He is the author of sixteen books, including The Discerning Life (Zondervan Reflective),  Baker bestseller Becoming a Healthy Church, and Crafting a Rule of Life (IVP). He lives in the Boston area with his wife Ruth and is the proud father of two grown children, Rebekah and Nathan, daughter in-love Ashley, and papa to his beloved granddaughter, Brenna Lynn and twin grandsons, Aiden Joseph and Carson Stephen. “My soul comes alive singing the great hymns of the church and enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. I’m in awe of God for fulfilling the dream for LTI that he birthed in my heart, for the team he has assembled, and the transformational impact experienced in the leaders and teams we serve.

Detailed Biography
Articles by Stephen Macchia
Author Website
Schedule a one-on-one with Steve

Matt Scott

Creative Director, Abide Faculty, & Minister of Spiritual Formation

Matt serves on the LTI team as Creative Director and Minister of Spiritual Formation. With 15 years of local church experience, Matt has served various churches in the area of worship and arts, community life, shepherding, and pastoral ministry. A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (MDiv) and the University of Mobile (Worship Leadership and Music Performance), Matt has a heart to shepherd people through songwriting, worship leadership, and pastoral care. He and his wife, Kristen, live in Bluffton, South Carolina with their two children, Emerson and Ashton. Matt enjoys building furniture, writing music, and being on the backwater of the Lowcountry’s May River. “I am humbled and honored to be part of the LTI team. I find great joy in building up and encouraging the Body of Christ through spiritual formation and soul care.

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Mitzi Mak

Selah-West Faculty

Mitzi started her professional life as a high school social studies teacher. She and her husband Jerry then served cross-culturally for ten+ years, living abroad first in India and then Kurdistan, N. Iraq. In addition to being a Spiritual Director, she now serves as a Formation and Care pastor in her local church in Houston, TX. She has graduated from LTI’s Selah Spiritual Direction training as well as LTI’s Emmaus Formational Leadership Program.

Mitzi enjoys engaging conversation, reading fiction, doing jigsaw/crossword puzzles, ocean gazing and exploring the world with Jerry through food and travel.

God has two main callings in Mitzi’s life: to care for those who care for others and to be a guide in helping others have a healthy relationship with the Trinity – recognizing God’s loving presence and activity in their lives and how to faithfully respond.

Selah was a transformative experience for me – allowing the contemplative within to emerge and to beautifully co-exist with my extraverted personality.