All In One Day
The following was written in my journal on a recent vacation day when I found the changes in the sky reflective of the various relationships that add spice to my personal rule of life…
A rainbow to greet us and remind us of God’s faithful, unending love.
Sunshine and blue skies reminiscent of the promises and blessings of life in abundance.
Occasional clouds that skip across the skyline to shade and shadow the earth below.
A dark cloud descends with rain to shower the earth and slow down our torrential lives.
Sunshine brought on by the dawn; sunset to brighten and then sullen the sleepy horizon.
Moonlight and starlight to dazzle and amaze the deep violet sky.
All in one day. For all to employ. So noticeably vibrant, alive, beautiful, faithful, surreal.
So too are the relationships that sparkle and splatter and surprise and scatter our days.
Some filled with beauty and joy – others accompanied by sadness and need – still more that come and go to delight or disappoint.
But all in one day and all to embrace, for all will be with us both now and forevermore.
Our roles and relationships matter significantly to the life God invites us to humbly fulfill for Christ’s glory. Join others who are crafting their rule of life and share your story at