
Learning and Practicing Together...

We offer a variety of online and in-person workshops on spiritual formation topics. Besides Bible-centered teaching, each workshop includes time for personal reflection and conversation with other participants. Check back as new workshops are added often. 

Becoming Like Jesus

Jeremy Stefano & Matt Scott

A Listening Heart

Jeremy Stefano & Matt Scott

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The Priority and Practice of Soul Care

Steve Macchia

God’s invitation for his beloved children is always for deeper intimacy. He’s the Lover of our souls and longs to be given top priority in our daily lives. But, the distractions are abundant and its often elusive to know how best to make choices that feed our longings for more of God. In this interactive online workshop, you will be introduced to sustaining practices that feed your soul. Hop off the treadmill of constant noise and activity and join us for this important conversation.

"What a beautiful time to be refreshed and refocus. I learned clear steps to take, while new depths of my soul were tugged towards God's gentle care. This was a much needed time to pause and listen."
"Most helpful, other than the presentation itself, was the time for reflection after each practice was presented. I appreciated the questions on which to reflect and the encouragement from Steve and David to listen for the gentle voice of the Lord. It was not an exercise meant to bring on self-condemnation and shame. I came away from the workshop hearing the Lord drawing me into further refection with Him. "
Very organized layout and I feel like you did a good job going deep with a small amount of time. I left with good tools and ideas for different areas of soul care and definitely want to do more of your online courses! I also really appreciate how Biblically-centered you are. I have found that many others who teach this subject seem to consider the role of Scripture as less important, but you all make it central. Thank you!
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Spiritual Practices: Scripture, Prayer, and Reflection

Steve Macchia

Why practice the spiritual disciplines in the first place? And, what “means of grace” are most meaningful to the committed Christian today? In this workshop we will unpack the importance of our “prayer closet” and reconsider the most basic practices that lead to spiritual renewal. Each of the three, Scripture, prayer, and reflection, have ancient and timeless roots well worth our consideration. In a retreat-like format, we will introduce them for the health and vitality of your soul.

"What was most helpful? There was a lot about this that I loved. The image in my head of three rocks in a jar. The excellent dive into Lectio Divina. But most helpful was that you sent us back a second time to our prayer closets to do ten more minutes of focus, and for me, that was helpful because it felt like God moved me past the self-condemning tape that played in the first 10 minutes, and instead gave me focus on friendship with Jesus."
"The content was excellent. The resources will be used in the future. I particularly enjoyed the breakout groups. The length of time for the workshop was just right. All in all, a great session. Again. You guys are really good at what you do!"
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Sabbath Rest: Invitation, Gift, and Blessing

Steve Macchia

Sabbath seems like a no-brainer. But, of all the 10 commandments, it’s the one we take for granted and rather loosely tend to ignore. God is a champion of creative work, that’s for sure. Just look around at trees, birds, oceans, and human beings to marvel at his work. But, he’s also a diligent advocate for Sabbath rest, when he and we are invited to join together in noticing, enjoying, and stewarding the life that surrounds us. Join the conversation and let’s keep Sabbath a priority.

Brenda W
Over this past year, the online worships and soul care retreats have been life-giving! As a healthcare professional in the pandemic, I have counted on these times to continue to conform me into the image of Christ. Not only has my head been satisfied with new information, my heart has been filled and touched by our Father.
"Psalm 23 is a landscape of my life. I felt this retreat was so life-giving. I felt so refreshed and like I just came off of the green pastures afterwards. You have designed it in such a way to overcome the "zoom fatigue" phenomena and it was a very effective venue for a retreat, because you could just enjoy it in the context of your home and not have to "commute" afterwards. It was a true Sabbath experience."
I am from a country where people are encouraged to work, work more, and work hard. The majority of people are struggling to fulfill their basic daily needs. It is also said that they are poor because they don't work harder. This is why people are motivated to work very hard. One of them is me. But I found only working hard is also not so efficient and effective that impacts life, family, and ministry. I work with few young leaders in South Asia. They are also working hard. There are fruits of working hard at the same time they feel almost always tired that impacts their own life, family, and ministry. In this workshop, I felt/compelled, I am invited to balance work, rest, and recreation in life which will bring great joy and will not reduce the end result either in life or ministry rather it will be more efficient and effective.
"I saw the gift of Sabbath rest and how it demonstrates my trust in God. It is a period of time to focus on the sufficiency of God and not rest in my own efforts."
"I have been thinking much about Sabbath recently, and this event was particularly helpful in directing my thinking. It was also very helpful for my wife who, although she has been thinking about the Sabbath for quite some time, learned some new things too. Thank you!"
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The Discerning Life: A Spiritual Formation Workshop

Steve Macchia

What does it mean to practice a preference for God in all things? How do we notice God at work in creation, worship, relationships, and prayer, in our daily routines as well as at key life transitions?

The essence of spiritual discernment is more than a how-to guide for making good decisions. It ultimately eventuates in lots of decision-making, but it begins with practicing a preference for God in every aspect of your personal life.

In this workshop we will look at various ways God is tapping us on the shoulder of our hearts, inviting us to welcome him into every crevice of our soul, and what it means for us to lean more fully in his direction. Spiritual, relational, and practical implications of the discerning life will be covered, as well as a time-tested process for individual and group discernment.


Enneagram Workshop: Becoming Acquainted with Your True Self/False Self

Rick Anderson

The Enneagram is a powerful self-awareness tool that helps us explore the diverse personality traits, gifts, vices, and “deadly sins” that describe our unique selves. The Enneagram provides a helpful framework to describe how we amazingly reflect God’s image (our True-Self), as well as how our sin patterns can distort and mar that image (our False-Self). Each registrant takes an online WEPSS Enneagram assessment in advance of the workshop. With detailed and personalized results in hand, we spend the time together exploring the self-discovery insights offered by this tool.

"This was the best presentation I’ve ever attended concerning the Enneagram. The centering around who we are in Christ, I believe truly brought about the clarity of such complex information of this most amazing tool to assist us in discovering who we truly are and how God uniquely created and wired each of us. Rick has obviously such a depth of understanding and was graced to be so clear in his words that I was just amazed and hung on each word. I absorbed more understanding than I had been able to in other platforms on this subject. I am so grateful that I have so much more of a grasp so that my own study and next steps will truly feel like I’m building on a sturdy and stable foundation. The tool of the enneagram has been one of the best treasures to be discovered that God has graced me to stumble across."
"Rick's energy, grace, warmth and wisdom are such wonderful gifts -- highly recommend the Enneagram Workshop both as a powerful tool in one's own spiritual formation and also to help appreciate and value others as God is shaping them along with us with God's transforming love."
"I honestly was so blown away with the quality of the content. I have been an enneagram nerd for so long and have taken many courses through PCCI and Dr. Wilders Thrive training, and this Enneagram was top notch. I learned so much! I felt so blessed to be a part of that class and could not believe the price was so affordable after I took it. I look forward to more learning together in the year to come."
"This was my introduction to the Enneagram and it was amazing. Rick was a fabulous presenter. Just scratching the surface. Thanks for all the resources. Looking forward to diving deeper. Most helpful concept was to keep in mind that this is a recipe. Also, remembering that our spiritual gifts are a reflection of God's attributes given to us is very helpful and a very cool truth. Thanks so much. Best $49 and 3 hours I have spent in recent memory ! God's Peace"
"It was fabulous. I have read a lot and attended workshops, but this less formulaic approach is refreshing and makes so much sense. I have been trying to "fit" the emphasis I observe in my own Enneagram type patterns into what I thought was a cohesive approach taking into consideration wings, paths of integration (etc.) and harmony triads. This allows for so much more freedom - and with a particularly strong emphasis on being transformed into Christlikeness seen across the virtues of all types."
"Participating in the Leadership Transformations Enneagram workshop exceeded my expectations! I have read 3 different books on the Enneagram in the last few years and although they were good this workshop perspective and teaching was the most enlightening and encouraging for my continued spiritual formation!"
"I highly recommend this training to everyone - whether you are new to the Enneagram or have been engaging with it for a long time. The teaching is biblical, solid and comprehensive. There are clear and necessary explanations about the importance of how to engage with the Enneagram....and with ALL the journeys that transform into living images of the virtues of Christ. I wish all my psychotherapy clients as well as spiritual directees could attend this!"
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Crafting a Rule of Life

Steve Macchia

The Scriptures are replete with examples of God’s people fulfilling their unique mission, from Noah to Ruth to David to Jesus and his disciples. Listening to God, noticing his invitations, acknowledging his presence, and attending to his voice is where it all begins. All of us abide by an unwritten rule of life, but very few are asking God to help clarify it on a regular basis. In this workshop we’ll unpack the process.

"The flow of thought and focus and instruction just made the whole thing so easy to understand, visualize and so doable. The instruction and explanation of all of it from Steve just dismantled all the wrong preconceptions concerning the meaning of a rule of life. His excellent presentation was just contagious and made it not only something that so inspires me but I want to share with others with an invitation to step in as well. Even in this winter season of life I am in, I’m so excited to create it and live in and out of it as long as I am drawing breath and to influence every generation in my sphere of influence. I so love being in the classroom ! Thank you Steve for sharing your passion with us."
"This year has been a major year of transition for my family as well as my parents -- yet another year in what seems like a long journey of coming to terms with a painful past. Steve's teaching on developing a rule of life helped clarify my relational priorities. I felt God calling me to clear the clutter in my heart, mind and soul and trust him as a "God of clarity and not confusion" so that I can become a "man of love" -- especially for my wife and children. Thank you! "
"I have tried for a decade to have a rule of life. It just hasn't worked. I think you simplified it and "de-mystified" it for me. I've seen other examples, but having David explain his and his WHY with it really motivated me to re-enter into this process. It was another FABULOUS 0ffering from LTI!!! Thank you so very much!"
"This has got me thinking about what my relational capacity is, and the need to examine the sustainability of my current involvements and connections, and to be prayerful about my engagements or the ways I extend myself, moving forward"
"The teaching was very useful; I've been through Steve's book and for whatever reason, the teaching in real time gave me some nuances and perspectives that helped me through my block. The reflection question about where we've met with the Lord and known him was challenging; it was a great question but I could not come up with specifics in the time frame we had. I enjoyed meeting another member of the class. And I've continued to think about that really it was quite helpful."
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Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Team

Steve Macchia

The effectiveness of leadership in every organization circles around the fruitfulness of the team. And, whenever any one person enters or exits the team, the entire team changes. At face value, teams seem relatively easy to understand, but in actuality the building, empowering, and sustaining work of a healthy team requires godly intentionality. In this workshop we’ll unpack team health from the Scriptures for today.

"Hard to give just one thing that was most or least helpful to be honest. I really enjoyed the time and have much to think about still. I found the TEAMS acronym to be quite helpful to think through characteristics of healthy teams. I am not sure what I would say was the least helpful — the whole time was rich."
"We are going to unpack as a team & think about a covenant between us. This workshop provided easy ways to evaluate our standing as a ministry team and tools to use to shore up our challenges. It gave me great hope that I am on the right team at the right time."
"I thought the workshop as a whole was well organized and worth the time spent. It was useful to talk about traits of a healthy team and enemies of a ministry team. One essential ingredient that stood out for me was discussing how God empowers each person differently with not just our gifts, but with our passions and how this needs to be part of what we do in order to flourish. This was excellent timing. I am not sure that I even realized until this training why my job has been feeling differently to me. The part of my job that has allowed me to use my passions have been put on hold for months due to social distancing and safety protocols, and has been replaced by other necessary tasks."
"I'm so excited and thankful that LTI has developed and released the Team Health Assessment Tool (THAT). Every Christian team is in constant need of prayerful and deliberate renewal and continual attentiveness to the work of the Holy Spirit -- no coasting or complacency! And THAT provides a richly practical and prayerful method for assessing and seeking to improve team health in alignment with God and his transforming love."

Spiritual Community

Steve Macchia

Today we are seeing an unprecedented dismantling of community in our churches and ministries, our personal lives and families, and especially in our wider culture. An “us/them” mentality has formed, and individuals are “self-editing” their personal lives, all to the detriment of building healthy community. It’s time to return to a grace-based, fully-present, with-and-for-one-another way of being. The biblical text is rich for our consideration and application of genuine spiritual community. Join us as we explore this important topic together.

"I mean, ALL OF IT [was helpful]! It was so presently useful, and it was powerfully convicting...I was so aware of the ways I pull away from community. And I do NOT want to be that way! This gave me practical ways to deal with this. I also enjoyed my breakout group...kind, humble, listening..."
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Finding & Fostering Spiritual Friendship

Matt Scott

A soul companion is a sacred gift from God. But finding and fostering spiritual friendship is challenging in our cultural moment. In an age of increasing isolation and individualism, the need for a ‘soul friend’ is greater than ever. This workshop will explore:

  • The nature and origin of spiritual community
  • The gifts of spiritual friendship
  • Choosing and cultivating companionship
  • Building enduring friendships

Formed by God's Word: 1 John

Jeremy Stefano

The Formed by God’s Word workshops are designed with a view towards being spiritually formed by God’s Word, not merely informed. They integrate careful study of the Bible with prayerful reflection. In this workshop on the book of 1 John, we will be discussing the theme of knowing God in love. We will examine the claims that love makes and the possibility of fellowship with God and each other. Attention will also be given to the path of spiritual growth as addressed by John.

Formed by God's Word: Ascent Psalms

Jeremy Stefano

A collection of 15 Psalms bear the same title, ‘A Song of Ascents’ (Psalms 120-134). Rehearsing the journey of the Israelites to the place of worship “in the house of the LORD,” these Psalms provide opportunities for prayerful meditation on movements in the life of faith today; from individual disorientation to communal worship, from alienation to belonging, from dire affliction to deliverance, from quiet waiting to rejoicing. The Formed by the Word workshops are designed for study as well as for prayerful reflection with a view towards being formed by God’s Word, not merely informed.

Formed by God's Word: Philippians

Jeremy Stefano

The Formed by God’s Word workshops are designed with a view towards being spiritually formed by God’s Word, not merely informed. They integrate careful study of the Bible with prayerful reflection. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul exhorts his readers to adopt the same mindset as Christ. We will consider how this orientation is illustrated and exemplified in the rest of the epistle, in its theology and by the people who are named. We will also ponder the deep longings expressed by the apostle.

"Helpful: hearing the book read in its entirety allowing Paul’s passion to come through. Pondering on the letter as the unfolding of Paul’s prayer Hearing Jeremy expand on selfish ambition and vain conceit is a measure for selfish examination and as a way to meditate on what It meant for Jesus to empty himself The only negative is I did not want the time to be over."
"Jeremy, I enjoyed your reading thru the book. A nice opportunity for me to hear the Word read out loud. I appreciated your points of interest because some of them became highlighted to me in spirit that had not struck me when reading the week before. I was able to spend time today, Sunday going over and rereading the nuggets I got from listening to you (and Holy Spirit) and meditate there. I enjoyed the diversity of people and was also glad you kept us on point til the very end."
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Becoming Like Jesus: The Path to Spiritual Formation

Jeremy Stefano & Matt Scott

From the moment Christians are born of the Spirit of God, the family likeness of Jesus begins to be shaped in them. This is accomplished by the gracious and powerful working of the Holy Spirit. It is a slow, steady work of God in the heart, mind and soul of the child of God, and is the focus of Christian spiritual formation.

This workshop lays out the foundations for a biblical understanding of spiritual formation. We will also discuss how spiritual disciplines make room to notice and tend to the work of the Spirit, in order to encourage the process of becoming conformed to the likeness of Jesus.

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A Listening Heart: The Core of Spiritual Leadership

Jeremy Stefano & Matt Scott

Spiritual leaders are not determined by a personality trait as much as by their ability to pay attention. These leaders are available and disciplined enough to see and hear with their heart. This is what allows a Christian to lead in ways that are truly enriching and transformational for those they serve.

This workshop will consider how Jesus modeled attending. We will explore why listening is central for every Christian and how learning to pay attention transforms the leader and the ways they lead.

Contemplative Spiritual Direction

Susan Currie

What exactly is spiritual direction? Is it trustworthy, even biblical? How is it different from other ways of experiencing spiritual companionship? And what do we mean when we say a model is “contemplative”? Join us as together we explore some of these questions, and experience a taste of contemplative listening. For those who desire an add-on of an individual spiritual direction session, an opportunity will be offered with your registration to sign up for a follow-up session with a spiritual director (1 hour), at a mutually agreed upon time the following week.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Mitzi Mak

Selah-West Faculty & Emmaus Faculty

Mitzi started her professional life as a high school social studies teacher. She and her husband Jerry then served cross-culturally for ten+ years, living abroad first in India and then Kurdistan, N. Iraq. In addition to being a Spiritual Director, she now serves as a Formation and Care pastor in her local church in Houston, TX. She has graduated from LTI’s Selah Spiritual Direction training as well as LTI’s Emmaus Formational Leadership Program.

Mitzi enjoys engaging conversation, reading fiction, doing jigsaw/crossword puzzles, ocean gazing and exploring the world with Jerry through food and travel.

God has two main callings in Mitzi’s life: to care for those who care for others and to be a guide in helping others have a healthy relationship with the Trinity – recognizing God’s loving presence and activity in their lives and how to faithfully respond.

Selah was a transformative experience for me – allowing the contemplative within to emerge and to beautifully co-exist with my extraverted personality.