Soul Care Retreats & Soul Sabbaths

Set apart time and space to be with God...

Whether gathering in-person at a retreat center or online via Zoom, the purpose of a soul care retreat is to set apart time and space to be with God. Contemplative Bible reading, listening prayer, and reflection are central features of each of these facilitated experiences. Check back as new retreats are added often.

Advent Reflections

Steve Macchia

The Assurance of Hope

Jeremy Stefano

Great is Your Mercy

Jeremy Stefano

I Am With You Always

Jeremy Stefano

I Will Give You Rest

Jeremy Stefano

In the Father's Love

Jeremy Stefano

Life in the Spirit

Jeremy Stefano

Looking to the Cross

Jeremy Stefano

Waiting on God

Jeremy Stefano

Advent Reflections

Steve Macchia

Instead of rushing into Advent and racing to the Christmas finish line, how about taking a more leisurely, prayerful, and attentive approach? In this online retreat, we will explore the importance of Advent and the spiritual practices of waiting, watching, and anticipating the arrival of Jesus. HIs incarnation is a significant event in all of our lives, and celebrating it appropriately means that we must slow down and prayerfully attend to his miraculous arrival. We will ponder together the biblical texts and prepare our hearts to receive him once more.

The Assurance of Hope

Jeremy Stefano

We have a living hope and an anchor – Christ Jesus – who lives and reigns beyond the rise and fall of time’s tides and seasons. This retreat offers relevant Scripture and additional readings about our Christian hope that will be used for prayer, meditation and reflection. This is an opportunity for each of us to be drawn back to the firm assurance of our Christian hope in Christ. We trust that your time on retreat with this online community will reorient your soul and strengthen your heart in the God of hope.

"Well, I haven't cried that much in a long time. I think the tenderness of the subject, of Jeremy, and of the WONDERFUL participants touched something that was hurting deeply. I was able to give voice to the Lord about some places of grief I have been experiencing. Worshipping together, sharing, was glorious for me to settle into the Lord and see hope re-awakened in my spirit."

Calling in the Wilderness: Advent

Jeremy Stefano

There had been no prophet in the land for centuries. So John the Baptist, standing in the barren Judean wilderness, announces God’s Word to hearts as much in need of refreshment as the land itself. Let’s listen to that solitary voice ourselves. There is a twofold message: a summons to repentance and an announcement of the coming of the Kingdom of God. In this Advent retreat we too will listen and respond, preparing a way for the Lord in our own times.

Come, and You Will See

Jeremy Stefano

In John’s gospel Jesus invites two curious disciples who are seeking him to “come and see” where he is staying. They spent the rest of that day with him. This was an intimate invitation and call to discipleship as they ventured to seek a deeper relationship with the Master. Our retreat offers the same invitation in Jesus’ Name to those seeking to know him more fully. Come, and you too will see.

Great is Your Mercy

Jeremy Stefano

When God describes His own character to Moses on Mount Sinai, the first aspect God names is merciful. Being in such great need of mercy ourselves, this retreat is an opportunity to meditate on the mercy of God and to consider how merciful God is towards sinners. Receiving mercy will renew us to be merciful to those who need to see and experience God’s mercy through us.

I Am With You Always

Jeremy Stefano

The resurrection of Jesus marks the beginning of a whole new way of relating to Jesus as the disciples are weaned from knowing their Lord in the flesh to knowing him in the Spirit. We will be spending time in the post-resurrection stories of Scripture to encourage ways of hearing, seeing and knowing Jesus today. Drawing aside with Jesus on retreat will fortify your knowledge of him, informing your awareness of his presence with you.

"It was soul refreshing to slow down and linger in the presence of God intentionally. The community aspect is broadening as you hear how God is dealing with and through others. The most helpful was the contemplative reading exercises. I found the instructions to be informational."
"The pace was very beneficial. For example, the readings of the lectio divina selection, the times of silence in between the readings, the Selah pauses, etc. I also appreciated the ample time allotted for individual sharing. It did not feel like people were rushed. The insights offered were edifying. I felt like I received a very clear communication from God concerning an upcoming event in my family's life. The "word" greatly encouraged me and brought a sense of peace with it. I did not expect that gift today but I am very thankful for it."

I Will Give You Rest

Jeremy Stefano

At the end of his life Moses blessed Benjamin with these beautiful words: “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long” (Deuteronomy 33:12). We will be leaning into the secure rest that Jesus has promised his beloved ones. Time will be given in this in this retreat for listening to God’s Word and to experiencing the rest God has promised all the children he loves. Beloved ones, come and receive the rest only Jesus can give.

"I have been in great need of some structured time of "retreat" within my home. God met with me so sweetly today with reassurance and love. Feels like a deep well from which to drink for awhile. Thank you so much. The attention to detail that LTI has given to the technology demands of an "online retreat" far surpass anything I have seen so far. I really enjoy the format of the online retreats - the schedule seems to flow well and I appreciate the times of silence, reflection, and collectively giving voice to all the Lord has done and is doing."

In the Father's Love

Jeremy Stefano

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”—1 John 3:1 (NIV)

Jesus came into the world to make the love of the Father known. This retreat is an opportunity to be renewed in the love the Father has for you, His child. Let’s draw near to God to deepen our experience of this love together.

Life in the Spirit

Jeremy Stefano

The whole Christian life involves the Holy Spirit. The Christian, born of the Spirit, learns to walk in the Spirit. Maturing in grace we learn to pray in the Spirit, obtain access to the Father in the Spirit, sing in the Spirit, exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, serve with the gifts of the Spirit. What began in the Spirit must also be perfected by the Spirit. Come and attend to the life in the Spirit in you.

"The ATMOSPHERE was charged with the presence of the Holy Spirit. I 'saw' a Zoom room full of transformed lives -- witnesses in a huddle to share an appointed experience and I couldn't contain my joy. ...So happy for the experience that I had myself a good cry and it felt like a 'treat.' Imagine that..."
"God is so Faithful! Each time I have been on a soul care retreat, He reveals Himself to me and shows me things about myself that say to my soul ,"He cares for you." I have been so blessed by the LTI leaders who cover these retreats with prayer and lead the groups with thoughts, scripture, readings from various saints and printed Touch Points to prepare the way for the LORD to meet with us. These Soul Care Retreats are some of my favorite divine appointments with the LORD! They have inspired me with creative expression and revelations that are sweet surprises for my soul!"
"It was a time to hear the Lord speak--an oasis in the midst of busyness. Most helpful was having the dedicated time set apart; the gentle leading of the time together--the music, the tone, the welcome, the Scriptures, the prayer, the expert handling of the technology, the time together-apart-together again--it all led to a meaningful retreat. Thank you!

Looking to the Cross

Jeremy Stefano

“When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32). As we turn our eyes to the Cross where Jesus was lifted up, we will be drawn that much closer to Him, our Lord and Savior. In this retreat we will draw near to the Cross, remembering that day in history when Jesus died as the Lamb of God for the sin of the world (John 1:29). And we will reflect on how Jesus’ death has brought us life. Come, draw near with us.

Reclaiming Rest and Renewal

Steve Macchia

In the midst of all that’s happening in our world today, you might be aware of your exhaustion level in a more tangible way. Perhaps it has been a while since you stopped long enough to notice how busy and constant life has been. The invitation in this online soul care retreat will be to become present to your legitimate need for rest and tap into God’s loving invitation to renew your soul through Scripture, prayer, and reflection.

Waiting on God

Jeremy Stefano

At the end of his life Moses blessed Benjamin with these beautiful words: “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long” (Deuteronomy 33:12). We will be leaning into the secure rest that Jesus has promised his beloved ones. Time will be given in this in this retreat for listening to God’s Word and to experiencing the rest God has promised all the children he loves. Beloved ones, come and receive the rest only Jesus can give.

"I really can't express how this retreat ministered to my soul. Waiting is an experience that has been everything from painful to frustrating to peaceful for me, and this retreat was an opportunity to look back on the waiting journey with God with gratitude. It was also a time to rest in and with Him knowing that He will continue to be with me in the waiting. Thank you so much!"
"I found the selection of Scripture to be very helpful, and Jeremy's leadership was perfect. He allowed a substantial amount of time for participants to share, if they chose, and I find that incredibly meaningful. I see many of the same folks at these workshops, and it's comforting to know that I am not the only person out here who feels God has grabbed my attention at what is otherwise a very lonely period. It almost feels as though we should form a Zoom small group."

Can't find what you're looking for?

Mitzi Mak

Selah-West Faculty & Emmaus Faculty

Mitzi started her professional life as a high school social studies teacher. She and her husband Jerry then served cross-culturally for ten+ years, living abroad first in India and then Kurdistan, N. Iraq. In addition to being a Spiritual Director, she now serves as a Formation and Care pastor in her local church in Houston, TX. She has graduated from LTI’s Selah Spiritual Direction training as well as LTI’s Emmaus Formational Leadership Program.

Mitzi enjoys engaging conversation, reading fiction, doing jigsaw/crossword puzzles, ocean gazing and exploring the world with Jerry through food and travel.

God has two main callings in Mitzi’s life: to care for those who care for others and to be a guide in helping others have a healthy relationship with the Trinity – recognizing God’s loving presence and activity in their lives and how to faithfully respond.

Selah was a transformative experience for me – allowing the contemplative within to emerge and to beautifully co-exist with my extraverted personality.