Webinar Recordings
All of our webinar offerings are free, for the purpose of introducing various relevant spiritual formation and soul care topics. For more in-depth spiritual learning or for facilitated online soul care retreats, consider registering for one of our workshops or soul care retreats offered throughout the year.
Available free webinar recordings include:
Unique Leadership Challenges in Spiritual Formation
Recorded July 11, 2024
In this webinar, Steve Macchia (founder and president of LTI) is joined by several of LTI’s Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership faculty to offer encouraging wisdom surrounding some of the most common challenges in spiritual leadership. Topics of discussion include panel conversation around how to:
- Create spiritual community in an age of individualism
- Experience rhythms of rest and renewal in a hustle culture
- Offer attentive presence in an age of distraction
- Live at the pace of Jesus in a tech-driven world
- Address misperceptions and misunderstandings (i.e. fear, skepticism) around spiritual formation practice
Books Referenced in the Webinar:
- On spiritual community: Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ by Eugene Peterson
- On the leader as follower of Christ: In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen.
- On the definition of spiritual formation and for insights into spiritual leadership: The Discerning Life by Stephen A. Macchia
Additional Resources and Opportunities:
If you would like to learn more about spiritual formation, we invite you to consider the following opportunities and resources:
- Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership – (now accepting applications for Fall 2024) a 2-year online certificate program in Formational Leadership, where together in community, you are equipped for personal spiritual growth and renewal and to care for the souls of others with a listening posture in your leadership contexts.
- Abide Certificate in Spiritual Formation – (now accepting applications for Fall 2024) a 10-month online certificate program in Spiritual Formation, where through readings, teachings, conversations with authors, group discussions and communal prayer, you explore 10 spiritual formation topics oriented towards personal spiritual growth in Christ-likeness.
- The Discerning Leader Podcast – a weekly podcast hosted by Steve Macchia for those interested in discovering the joy of “practicing a preference for God” in all aspects of their personal lives and relationships, their leadership and service to others.
- Online Workshops and Soul Care Retreats – We invite you to join any of our online workshops and retreats to aid you in your spiritual journey and to offer you space for the care and nurture of your soul.
- PATHWAYS – Sign up for LTI’s weekly newsletter containing resources, soul-enriching content,
and practical training for your spiritual journey.
An Introduction to Spiritual Discernment: Practicing a Preference for God
Recorded April 25, 2023
Spiritual discernment is often equated with good decision-making, but within a Christian context. In this webinar we will expand the definition of spiritual discernment by beginning with “discerning God” as Creator, redeemer, and sustainer of our lives. What does it mean to “practice a preference for God” in all aspects of our life and service to others? It begins with noticing God, acknowledging his presence, power, and peace. In this webinar we will explore the topic of spiritual discernment from a biblical, personal, and practical perspective. Join us for this enlightening conversation.
Notes from the Webinar:
- Interview with Cheryl Buchanan on The Discerning Leader Podcast
- New Story Community ministry
Additional Resources and Opportunities:
If you would like to learn more about spiritual formation, we invite you to consider the following opportunities and resources:
- The Discerning Life (A Spiritual Formation Workshop)– On June 9th, 2023, Steve will be hosting a 2 hour workshop on spiritual discernment based on his book, The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything, as a follow-up to this webinar.
- Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership – a 2-year online certificate program in Formational Leadership, where together in community, you are equipped for personal spiritual growth and renewal and to care for the souls of others with a listening posture in your leadership contexts.
- Abide Certificate in Spiritual Formation – a 10-month online certificate program in Spiritual Formation, where through readings, teachings, conversations with authors, group discussions and communal prayer, you explore 10 spiritual formation topics oriented towards personal spiritual growth in Christ-likeness.
- The Discerning Leader Podcast – a weekly podcast hosted by Steve Macchia for those interested in discovering the joy of “practicing a preference for God” in all aspects of their personal lives and relationships, their leadership and service to others.
- Online Workshops and Soul Care Retreats – We invite you to join any of our online workshops and retreats to aid you in your spiritual journey and to offer you space for the care and nurture of your soul.
- PATHWAYS – Sign up for LTI’s weekly newsletter containing resources, soul-enriching content,
and practical training for your spiritual journey.
Discipleship & Spiritual Formation: What's the Difference?
Recorded June 23, 2022
From Christian education, to discipleship, to spiritual formation; mentoring, teaching, or guiding. Our terminologies have changed, but has anything else morphed? Join us as we unlock the nomenclature for what’s been often described as “making disciples,” or was it “building disciples” or “creating disciples”? Let’s explore what’s in common and what distinguishes one from another. Hopefully we can gain some clarity together!
Definitions of Discipleship & Spiritual Formation mentioned in the webinar:
“A healthy disciple…experiences God’s empowering presence; engages in God-exalting worship; practices the spiritual disciplines; learns and grows in community; commits to loving and caring relationships; exhibits Christlike servanthood; shares the love of God generously; manages life wisely and accountably; unites with the Body of Christ; and stewards a life of abundance.” –Stephen Macchia in Becoming A Healthy Disciple, pp.18-19; 22-23
“A disciple of Jesus is a person who has decided to live in attentiveness to Jesus.” –Margaret Campbell
“ True discipleship is about a lifestyle, not simply about stored up Bible knowledge. Discipleship is about being and reproducing zealots for Christ. Discipleship, in other words, is about passionately pursuing the lifestyle and mission of Jesus Christ.” –George Barna
“A disciple is one who responds in faith and obedience to the gracious call to follow Jesus Christ. Being a disciple is a lifelong process of dying to self while allowing Jesus Christ to come alive in us.” – Greg Ogden
Robert Coleman’s Master Plan of Evangelism – Jesus with his disciples: Selection; Association; Consecration; Impartation; Demonstration; Delegation; Supervision; Reproduction
“Christian spiritual formation is the process of being shaped by the Spirit into the likeness of Christ, filled with love for God and the world.” – Renovare’s A Call to Spiritual Formation (San Antonio 2009 statement)
“‘Spiritual formation’ refers to the process of shaping our spirit and giving it a definite character . . . Spiritual formation in Christ is the process whereby the inmost being of the individual (the heart, will, or spirit) take on the quality or character of Jesus Himself.” – Dallas Willard in The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus’s Essential Teachings on Discipleship (San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco, 2006), p. 53
“Spiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself.” – Dallas Willard in Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
“Spiritual formation is a process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others” – M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. in Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993), p. 12
“Spiritual formation is a loving relationship with God that shapes our being rather than a technique or method or program for self improvement.” – M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. in Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation
“Spiritual formation is the life-long, faith-filled process…of the Holy Spirit transforming…the whole person…into the likeness of Christ…to the glory of the Father…as informed by the whole word of God…in relationship with the whole people of God…to fulfill the whole mission of God.”– Dave Currie (GCTS Dean of the Doctor of Ministry Program)
“Christian spiritual formation is the lifelong journey of being transformed by the love of the Father, into the image of Jesus, by the gracious movement of the Holy Spirit, in order to live an abundant life of trust, rest, hope, and joy, accompanied by suffering and sorrow, for the sake of God’s Kingdom and glory, and the fulfillment of his mission of grace, justice, peace, and mercy for all.” – Stephen A. Macchia in The Discerning Life (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2022), p. 127
Additional Resources and Opportunities:
If you would like to learn more about spiritual formation, we invite you to consider the following opportunities and resources:
- Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership – a 2-year online certificate program in Formational Leadership, where together in community, you are equipped for personal spiritual growth and renewal and to care for the souls of others with a listening posture in your leadership contexts.
- Abide Certificate in Spiritual Formation – a 10-month online certificate program in Spiritual Formation, where through readings, teachings, conversations with authors, group discussions and communal prayer, you explore 10 spiritual formation topics oriented towards personal spiritual growth in Christ-likeness.
- The Discerning Leader Podcast – a weekly podcast hosted by Steve Macchia for those interested in discovering the joy of “practicing a preference for God” in all aspects of their personal lives and relationships, their leadership and service to others.
- Online Workshops and Soul Care Retreats – We invite you to join any of our online workshops and retreats to aid you in your spiritual journey and to offer you space for the care and nurture of your soul.
- PATHWAYS – Sign up for LTI’s weekly newsletter containing resources, soul-enriching content,
and practical training for your spiritual journey.
Servant, Steward, Shepherd: Learning to Lead Like Jesus
Recorded June 16, 2022
What does it mean to be a leader? Strong? Decisive? Determined? Visionary? These are good qualities but they don’t tell the whole story. Particularly in the realm of Spiritual Leadership, more is needed to be the kind of leader who cares about the spiritual growth of others, who sees people and listens to them, who raises others up, who leads by serving and empowers others to do the same.
Additional Resources and Opportunities:
If you would like to learn more about spiritual leadership, we invite you to consider the following opportunities and resources:
- Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership – a 2-year online certificate program in Formational Leadership, where together in community, you are equipped for personal spiritual growth and renewal and to care for the souls of others with a listening posture in your leadership contexts.
- Abide Certificate in Spiritual Formation – a 10-month online certificate program in Spiritual Formation, where through readings, teachings, conversations with authors, group discussions and communal prayer, you explore 10 spiritual formation topics oriented towards personal spiritual growth in Christ-likeness.
- The Discerning Leader Podcast – a weekly podcast hosted by Steve Macchia for those interested in discovering the joy of “practicing a preference for God” in all aspects of their personal lives and relationships, their leadership and service to others.
- Online Workshops and Soul Care Retreats – We invite you to join any of our online workshops and retreats to aid you in your spiritual journey and to offer you space for the care and nurture of your soul.
- PATHWAYS – Sign up for LTI’s weekly newsletter containing resources, soul-enriching content,
and practical training for your spiritual journey.