Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Are you creating space in your life to be alone, to be quiet, to be reflective, to be relational, to put technology away, to hang out with those you love and to be loved?” – Steve Macchia
The Bible is full of agrarian imagery. The words of Genesis, the prophet Isaiah, Apostle Paul, and Jesus himself all talked about gardens, plants, trees, seeds and soil, and farming. We see dry and dusty, sun-scorched land; we also see fertile, thriving, flourishing gardens. In Jesus’s parable of the sower, He emphasized the state of the soil. This parable can also be understood as a metaphor for the state of our souls. Season 32 will consider what it looks like to discern God in the garden of our soul. In this first episode, Steve and Matt share insight about what factors contribute to souls that are hard, rocky, and thorny versus souls that are receptive to God.
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