Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Ellen Bishop Little
“You don’t need a big budget, a lot of people, or a nice building to have the presence of God and loving, caring relationships.” – Ellen Bishop Little
Ellen Bishop Little along with her husband Larry responded to a call to teach at their local church. They chose an unlikely group – two-year-olds! After the first year was finished, they chose to continue moving up each year with the group of children. They stayed with this same group of children all the way to high school. Ellen and Larry provided community for the students as they grew and matured. These same students in turn provided community for Ellen and Larry when Larry became sick and succumbed to cancer. Ellen joins Steve Macchia for a personal story of Healthy Church Trait #4: Learning and Growing in Community.
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Steve Macchia (Podcast Host)
Founder and President of Leadership Transformations
Steve is the author of The Discerning Life, Becoming a Healthy Church, Broken and Whole, Crafting a Rule of Life and several other titles. Steve has over 40 years in ministry and two postgraduate degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Ellen Bishop Little (Season 29 Guest)
Ellen Bishop Little is a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and a child of the Most High God. She is an AirBnB Superhost, a licensed realtor, and a Certified Life Coach with the John C. Maxwell Team. She is currently in the process of writing a children’s book about Determination, Focus, and Persistence. As with so many of us, her life has been a rollercoaster of a journey as the ups and downs of life have thrust her into an experience of self-discovery, growth, and faith.