Host: Steve Macchia
“How is it with your soul today, dear friend?” – Steve Macchia
The invitation in today’s episode is slanted toward listening to God in our prayers. Once we’ve settled into a spacious encounter with God, which commences with time in the Word, we enter into our life of prayer. So many ways to pray – upward prayers of praise and adoration, inward prayers of confession and forgiveness, outward prayers of supplication and concern. Regardless of the focus of your prayers, are you attending to the voice of God? Or, are you doing all the talking to God? Steve’s focus is on tilting the balance toward more listening to God than talking to him, simply because of the belief that God has more important things to say to us than we have to say to him. And, because God delights to speak into our lives in transformative ways. Consider adjusting your physical postures of prayer as you discover the joy of listening prayer.
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