Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Dave Currie
“Singing the songs of those who have come before us, especially from other cultures and times, enhances our discernment as leaders.” – Dave Currie
God sings over us out of his great affection, and as a warrior for our soul, he protects and cares for us as his beloved. Songs have been a part of the history of the church as singing helps us stay connected to God and with one another as his children. We know there will be lots of singing in heaven; while we are here on earth, we have a foretaste of that eternal worship. Spanning the history of the church, we note the ways every tribe, nation, and language group are rehearsing for the final praiseworthy performance at the marriage supper of the Lamb!
For more information about “WHEN ISRAEL WAS IN EGYPT’S LAND”:
- Background:
- Gospel Choir:
- Louis Armstrong:
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