This event is FREE of charge but requires advance registration.
Thursday Aug 22 at 4 PM ET for the Sat, Aug 24 event
Monday Sept 2 at 4 PM ET for the Wed, Sept 4 event.
Have any questions? Contact Chrissy Chang with Leadership Transformations, Inc (LTI).
Note: If you have not received a Zoom link/event details e-mail by the day before the first session, please check your Spam folder. If you still have not received it, please e-mail us.
Susan is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (DMin in Spiritual Formation; MATS), CFDM Pacific Northwest Certificate Program in Spiritual Guidance, and Bryn Mawr College (MA, English Lit). She has served in church and parachurch settings for the past several decades, focusing on spiritual formation ministries, retreat leadership, and spiritual direction, and along with her husband Dave serves as affiliated clergy in the Anglican Diocese of Christ Our Hope, offering support to area clergy and to the Anglican Formation Track at Gordon-Conwell. Susan and Dave are the parents of three adult children – all grace! – and enjoy home hospitality to extended family as well as guests that come their way. In Sabbath moments Susan will be found outdoors – sitting, hiking, kayaking, immersing herself in the beauty of creation – or indoors, tea and scones at her side, immersing herself in the beauty of good words. “LTI has been my ministry home for nearly 20 years, where with amazing colleagues I delight in creating and nurturing spacious, reflective presence to God. Glory!“
Cheri serves as a Supervisor to our Selah Interns. She is a graduate of LeTourneau University, (BS Accounting, 1989), Fuller Theological Seminary (Master of Arts in Theology, 2008), Selah Program, 2013. She and her husband Dave live in Flower Mound, Texas (Near Dallas), and have been faithful lay servants of the church since the early days of their marriage. They are blessed with a grown son, his beloved bride, and a grandchild. Cheri is still full of wonder that the invitation to leave her first vocation as a CPA led to life as a Spiritual Director. It is a privilege and a joy to help others, especially leaders, make space for their relationship with God. “Leadership Transformation has become a sacred home for me. A place to meet God, receive from God, and watch the Lord transform my heart and the hearts of those around me. If you are looking to be with people that really listen to God and respond out of that listening, this is the place to be.“
David serves as Senior Faculty of Selah, LTI’s Certificate Program in Spiritual Direction, and Emmaus, LTI’s Certificate Program in Formational Leadership. He is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.,’11) and Selah. Prior to his ministry with LTI, David was involved with overseas missions in East Asia, church planting, and pastoral ministry in the local church. David is passionate about creating prayerful and hospitable space for others to listen to God, whether through leading worship corporately, facilitating soul care retreats, or one-on-one spiritual direction. For fun, David enjoys long hikes, playing the guitar, gluten-free cooking, and pulling weeds. David and his wife and three kids make their home in Sugar Land, Texas. “I first encountered LTI at a soul care retreat during a very low point in my life and ministry. LTI was my spiritual paramedic at just the right time. Today I am so grateful to serve with this incredible team of loving and compassionate soul care-givers.“
Sally Breedlove (BA in English, studies in Spiritual Theology at Regent College, Certificate in Spiritual Direction, Selah) is the co-founder of JourneyMates (www.JourneyMates.org), a contemplative ministry that invites people to connect intimately with the Triune God in communities and small groups. She now serves JourneyMates as a trainer and supervisor. She also co-founded 8@8 (www.8at8pm.org), a ministry that calls Christians around the world to biblically-informed prayer for eight minutes nightly. As an author, spiritual director, teacher, and retreat leader, she delights in helping people notice, trust, and follow Jesus. Sally and her husband Steve, a bishop in the Anglican Church in North America, live life in the rich context of five married children and fifteen grandchildren. Any given day unfolds rhythms of long walks, good books, hospitality, and real conversations. If anyone asks Sally about LTI’s ministry, her answer is the same: “LTI leadership lives humbly and joyfully into all it teaches, as it invites people into a broader and robust with-God life.”
Ted has served in ministry for almost 30 years with 22 of those years in pastoral ministry as both an associate pastor and a senior pastor at a church he planted and pastored for 10 years. With Master degrees of Divinity and Sacred Theology as well as a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership, he has also received training in Spiritual Direction from New Way Ministries and Selah. Ted has been married to Jenifer since 1992 and has two college aged children. He serves as the Director of the Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona where he loves to hike, tend is cactus garden, and spend time outdoors. Ted shares: “It’s a joy to be a part of this team! From the moment I got involved with LTI, I felt like I’d met my ‘tribe.’ The loving, nurturing LTI ‘way’ creates space for those in leadership and those who are a part of various offerings to follow the leading of our Triune God. I love it!“
John and his wife, Kathy, have 4 adult children and 6 grandchildren. Together they have served in pastoral ministry for over 40 years. It has been a path traveled with many twists and turns, but at every point God has met them with his love and grace. They both have a love for nurturing a younger generation of church planters, missionaries and pastors in their life with God. Over the past 15 years this has been a specific focus of their ministry while they have been directly involved in church planting and pastoral ministry. Recently, John stepped down as Rector of Christ the Redeemer to give more energy to developing a ministry, with Kathy, to those desiring to deepen their relationship with God. John enjoys being outside walking in the woods, college sports, trying to learn banjo and pottery, and reading. Recently, he has really enjoyed diving into Celtic Christian spirituality as he became a Novice in the Company of Jesus. John has a Master of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary in California and currently serves as an Assisting Priest at Christ the Redeemer in Clemson, SC. “In many ways I feel like I have just begun the journey with Jesus as he constantly surprises me. A significant part of my journey has been Selah, so it is a joy to give back a portion of what I have been given through Selah.“
Jovin delights to lead others to experience God’s life-changing love and power through the ministries of prayer, the Word, and attentive listening. She does this through offering prayerful, hospitable spaces and experiences to leaders across cultures who have become weary and need to be re-directed to hear the voice of God.
She lives in Ghana, West Africa. Though her educational background and degrees are in Hospitality, things took a turn when the Lord led her in a different kind of hospitality than expected. She spent the last two decades in full time vocational ministry with InterVarsity USA (an Interdenominational campus ministry) serving international students and scholars, and later InterVarsity Staff. She understands what it’s like to live in a different culture and serve many cultures. Her ministry experience includes speaking, training, and working with different cultures, spiritual formation, intercession and prayer ministry.
She trained as a Spiritual Director through Leadership Transformations’ Selah Certificate Program. For fun, she enjoys a good cup of tea and loves to express hospitality through cooking for others. “The ministry of LTI was meaningful to me during a Kairos moment in my life. I am blessed to serve with this remarkable team.”
Dr. Kimberly Nash Alexander is a native of Charlotte, NC. She attended UNC-Greensboro and The George Washington University in Washington, DC where she received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Speech Language Pathology respectively. She earned a Doctor of Philosophy in the integration of religion and society from Omega Graduate School in Dayton, TN. Kim is certified as a spiritual director through Leadership Transformations and offers a 12 month contemplative mentoring journey, soul care retreats and soul care for businesses/teams and spiritual direction through DKA Services. She is the founder of the special needs ministry and leads the Women’s Ministry of The Park Church in Charlotte, NC. Kim shares life and love with her husband, Bishop Claude Alexander, Jr. and their two daughters Camryn and Carsyn. While she has a passion for empowering women to live in the fullness of their relationship with Christ. She can be found reading, jogging, or cooking great southern food. Good chocolate and popcorn are her weakness. “Having a broken toe during my Selah experience prompted a spiritual awakening.“
Doug’s interest in spiritual formation started in the early 90’s and only deepened as he served to facilitate church planters, first in Poland, and later across Europe. His education includes a D. Min. in Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Selah, with LTI. He and his wife, Lisa, currently reside in Frankfurt, Germany, as Doug continues to facilitate church planting and assist people in their spiritual formation. Currently Doug serves on the senior leadership team of Greater Europe Mission. In his leadership capacities, he established the spiritual life ministry within GEM and now serves on that team, providing retreats, workshops, and other resources to their missionaries. Doug also enjoys an active ministry of providing spiritual direction for ministry leaders across the globe. He and Lisa are the proud parents of two wonderful college-age children. “LTI’s Selah program made beautifully concrete and phenomenally real the leadership and initiative of God the Holy Spirit today.“
Mitzi started her professional life as a high school social studies teacher. She and her husband Jerry then served cross-culturally for ten+ years, living abroad first in India and then Kurdistan, N. Iraq. In addition to being a Spiritual Director, she now serves as a Formation and Care pastor in her local church in Houston, TX. She has graduated from LTI’s Selah Spiritual Direction training as well as LTI’s Emmaus Formational Leadership Program.
Mitzi enjoys engaging conversation, reading fiction, doing jigsaw/crossword puzzles, ocean gazing and exploring the world with Jerry through food and travel.
God has two main callings in Mitzi’s life: to care for those who care for others and to be a guide in helping others have a healthy relationship with the Trinity – recognizing God’s loving presence and activity in their lives and how to faithfully respond.
“Selah was a transformative experience for me – allowing the contemplative within to emerge and to beautifully co-exist with my extraverted personality.“