November 2020

Courage and Hope for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver| Discerning God in Seasons of Suffering Episode 03

Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Cynthia Fantasia

When we choose to trust God, then we find him, and begin to see his fingerprints on everything.” – Cynthia Fantasia 

Today 6 million have Alzheimer’s disease, with 16.5 million unpaid caregivers coming alongside them, thrown into their role without any lead up or training. None of this has caught God by surprise, but for the care-giver every aspect of the experience is new. In this testing, God is building perseverance and our response may not be joyful, but it can be joy-filled. Today’s episode covers several reflections for coming alongside those who suffer: grieving differently; being kind; holy habits; short accounts; open-handedness; gratitude; presence; and love. 

Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at and and

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In The Lingering Light | Discerning God in Seasons of Suffering Episode 02

Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Cynthia Fantasia

Remember that the present loss doesn’t override the richness of the past. We had 45 years of amazing memories and 3 years of sickness and suffering.” – Cynthia Fantasia 

In the Lingering Light, written by our guest Cynthia Fantasia, provides courage and hope for the Alzheimer caregiver. After a delightful 45 years of marriage and family life, everything changed with Bob Fantasia’s Alzheimer’s. Were it not for a community of friends and family members coming alongside Cynthia, life would have been dark and foreboding. Ambiguous grief – the loss of someone who is still alive but in a different state of mind – can be debilitating. But, a strong faith, deeply forged in community, unleashes the sustaining presence and power of God.  

Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at and and

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Reflections on Beauty

Reflections on Beauty


I’m struck by how much my soul is enlivened by beauty.

Not exclusively of human beauty per se, as delightful as that may be,

But of God and his created order, which of course includes the people he designed.

Beauty multiplied in the lives of children young and old, imperfect reflections of love;

Beauty offered in the seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn;

Beauty displayed in the garden, desert, pasture, woodland, seashore;

Beauty portrayed in the majesty of mountains, oceans, plains, and forests;

Beauty delivered in the weather, clouds, sunshine, rain, and snow;

Beauty magnified in the light and seen clearly under the microscope;

Beauty compensated in the restitution of the ugly, dormant, neglected, or dismissed;

Beauty shared in the human touch, an act of kindness, a lovely meal, a gesture of grace;

Beauty provided in the Word of God, filled with life, hope, peace, justice, and joy;

Beauty conveyed in the written word, the spoken word, the Word of love made flesh;

Beauty created in art, dance, poetry, pottery, lyric, melody, harmony, and song;

Beauty redeemed in the heart of confession, forgiveness, compassion, reconciliation;

Beauty whispered in the ear of those who pray, love, serve, and listen to God;

Beauty is God’s glorious idea, his chosen way to communicate, his invitation.

If you’re struck by how much your soul swells with joy amidst beauty,

Gaze upon God’s beauty today and choose the one thing that matters most.

Offer God’s beauty to others today, in the coming hours, and in the days ahead.

Beauty heals, notices, releases, celebrates, affirms, enlivens, completes, and transforms.

Reflections on beauty and beautiful reflections accompany a purifying soul.


Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Phil. 4:8, The Message

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Suffering and Surviving | Discerning God in Seasons of Suffering Episode 01

Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Cynthia Fantasia

“I determined to live on the other side of eternity as a caregiver for my beloved husband as he suffered through his terminal Alzheimer’s disease. My goal was to preserve his dignity and my sanity.” – Cynthia Fantasia 

Discerning God’s presence and power during times of suffering and heartache can be challenging.  It’s nearly impossible without having others in your community to help direct you back to the truths that you know, but have gotten muddled in the midst of the suffering. Our guest, Cynthia Fantasia, tells her story of coming alongside her beloved husband as he suffered for 34 months with Alzheimer’s disease.  For both of them, this was the fulfillment of their “for worse and in sickness” side of their wedding vows, persevered through raw, faithful love.  

Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at and and

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Assessing Spiritual Vitality | Discerning the Spiritual Health of the Church Episode 05

Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Rick Anderson

An honest diagnosis and a hopeful prognosis is needed for local congregations today. The Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT) will help you get there.” -Rick Anderson

The Church is vitally important. Leadership Transformations supports the spiritual health of the body of Christ. The Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT) is an online, holistic, user-friendly, biblically-centered, strengths-based listening tool that hundreds of congregations have used successfully. Like looking both ways before crossing the street, CHAT helps leadership teams remain attentive to their surroundings, especially their congregants. A deeper awareness of God and his beloved children leads to greater clarity and trust for discerning the way forward.

Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at and and

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