In between the flags, parades, cookouts, and fireworks, I’d like to suggest we muse on 4 leadership words for July 4. Each of these are needed now more than ever in the hearts, minds, and lives of our leaders – in politics, business, education, and yes, even in the Church.
- HUMILITY – the opposite of pride. Forgetting self and considering others. Content. Gracious. Loving. Surprisingly selfless.
- INTEGRITY – the fruit of a life well-lived. True to God and self. Trustworthy; faithful to one’s call and mission. Wholesome. Pure. Rare.
- KINDNESS – the words we speak to, for, and about another. Laced with mercy, patience, compassion, and peace. Honest. Without guile.
- SACRIFICE – the service to others’ well-being that counts the cost and is willing to pay it forward. Commitment. Incarnational. Forgiving.
The results of these godly leadership qualities? Four additional words: Trust. Transformation. Testimony. Thriving. These godly leadership qualities are at the heart of LTI’s leadership development ministries.
Take time to muse on these four words and prayerfully consider their application in your life today, and as a result, in the lives of those you serve in Jesus’ name.
2019-2020 NOW OPEN
Join us for Emmaus, a spiritual formation community that exists to encourage you in a more contemplative lifestyle in the midst of the growing demands of leadership. Together we explore a deeper understanding of spiritual leadership and resources that help you care for your soul and the souls of others.
Fall 2019 Emmaus Applications are Open
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Watch Rowena Day:
What God Was Inviting Me to All Along