In the season of Pentecost the church commemorates the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send “Another Companion” who will be with us forever. That Companion is the Holy Spirit, the One who surprised the disciples fifty days post-resurrection with a time of renewal through a fresh outpouring of love. The Spirit came upon the people with incredible power, which threw the crowds into bewilderment.
When Peter spoke to them about what was happening, he quoted the prophet Joel and the psalmist king David…two reputable voices who had a status they would respect. An even more powerful witness than their words were the actions that transpired thereafter…devotion to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer, wonders and signs, unity, generosity, and all with glad and sincere hearts (cf. Acts 2: 42-47).
As Christians in the workplace, are we fully aware of the Companion by our side, residing within us, and working through us today? Jesus’ promise undoubtedly was for his disciples, and the fulfillment thereof was for the birthing of his Church. But, his fulfilled promise is also for disciples today – yes, you and me.
So, what does that mean for us in our work today? Well, for starters, it certainly means that the Holy Spirit is desirous of bringing about renewal in our hearts, which is evidenced in our inner personhood and then joyfully expressed in our exterior actions. We don’t simply know the Companion of our souls in our times of personal and corporate worship, but also in our day to day environments as well. The Spirit wants to release his presence, power, and peace through you today. His unique empowerment is for all believers every moment of each new day. Imagine how different your work day would be if you not only believed and acknowledged this reality but open-heartedly invited and depended upon that transformative truth!
Are you desirous of such favor, blessing, unity, and joy as a child of God? Trust the Companion to fill you with the empowering presence of the Spirit who makes your life with God and others come fully alive, for that’s the only way authentic transformation will occur.