Is there any virtue to being a person who’s always in a rush? What is the fruit of or gain received from rushing? The fruit apparent to me includes higher blood pressure, greater stress, and the potentials of increased anger, frustration, impatience, disappointment, exhaustion, or sadness…just to name a few! So why do we rush? Usually because we lack the discipline to be ready or timely, we have too much on our plates, or we don’t plan very well.
As I’ve been on crutches now for ten days I simply can’t rush or I will hurt myself. One day this week I actually gave myself one hour to accomplish two errands around town and end up on time for a meeting – something I normally would accomplish in at most one-third the allotted time. I was conscious of every step I took and paid greater attention to my surroundings and ended up with five minutes to spare before my appointment began.
I don’t want to stay on these crutches much longer but I do want to stay in this unhurried, no need to rush state of heart and mind! What about you? Linger, attend, slow down, don’t rush, be still, and know that He is God!
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