Courage and Hope for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver| Discerning God in Seasons of Suffering Episode 03

Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Cynthia Fantasia

When we choose to trust God, then we find him, and begin to see his fingerprints on everything.” – Cynthia Fantasia 

Today 6 million have Alzheimer’s disease, with 16.5 million unpaid caregivers coming alongside them, thrown into their role without any lead up or training. None of this has caught God by surprise, but for the care-giver every aspect of the experience is new. In this testing, God is building perseverance and our response may not be joyful, but it can be joy-filled. Today’s episode covers several reflections for coming alongside those who suffer: grieving differently; being kind; holy habits; short accounts; open-handedness; gratitude; presence; and love. 

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