Tap, Tap, Tap

God cannot love except abundantly.
God does not love except extravagantly.
God will not love except it be gracefully, mercifully, forgivingly, righteously, unconditionally.
There is no end to God’s love. Thus, it is true – God is love.
From the porch of heaven your God has His eyes fixed on you. No matter how long you have strayed from home, He’s watching out for your return. So prodigal is His love for you, dear friend. His love initiates toward you 24/7 – and his tap, tap, tap on the shoulder of your heart will never end.
Sit prayerfully with that reality of the gospel we profess and your life will never be the same ever again.
His initiating love toward you is all because he wants your heart back in the fullness of His embrace. Every ounce of your being held closely to Himself, each fiber of your being under the shadow of His protective wings.
There – in His presence – and only there will you and I find fullness of life.
From that posture of worship and intimate love we spread our wings and fly toward others as an expression of our love for God and our obedience to the call of God on our lives. This is the context out of which we understand what a Personal Rule of Life looks like…a life well-ordered (and continuously re-ordered) around the love of God – initiated toward us by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and therefore fulfilled through us as we intentionally live among all others for His glory, honor and joy.
Come and receive from the Lord the Divine Invitation to intimate love – and then go forth to fulfill His Divine Intentionality through you as a child of God toward all who cross your path each new day.
This is the heart and soul of a Personal Rule of Life – may it be so for you and for me!
“How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1)

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