Be Still
The measure of our effectiveness as a ministry is directly proportional to how well we facilitate stillness and rest. Whenever we come alongside leaders and teams we urge and encourage them to press the pause button of their busy lives and learn to do nothing well. It’s totally counter-intuitive, but one of the premier disciplines of the soul. In stillness we learn to listen, to pray, to simply be. In stillness we rest in God. In stillness we reflect on God. In stillness we receive from God.
The psalmist reminds us to be still and know that he is God. The implied assumption is that without being still we won’t get to know God. If we’re always in a state of perpetual motion and continual noise, we will in fact miss out on seeing, hearing and experiencing the fullness of God.
Summertime is a wonderful season for the soul (particularly if you live in New England and it never lasts as long as you’d prefer) and a great time to practice being still. How will you do so this time around?
Be still and know that he is God (Psalm 46:10).