I’ve been on crutches now for 7 days…I’m tired of the nuisance and inconvenience, even though my pain threshold tells me I still need them! When our son Nate was in middle school and high school he was off and on crutches for the better part of 7 years…it amazes me that he persevered for so long. I can’t imagine such a long stint on crutches, but then again that’s why we often said Nate’s middle name should really be “Perseverance” – he suffered long and hard, but over time God redeemed his pain and he’s been walking crutch-free for the past 7 years of his young adulthood, praise God.
Perseverance is a biblical concept, with passages like Heb. 12: 1,2; James 1: 2-5; Rom. 5: 3-5; and 2 Peter 1: 5-7 informing our understanding. Paul’s words in Romans 5 are clear…rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that they produce perseverance, character and hope. With what or whom do you need to persevere today? Cling to the promise that character and hope will be the fruit…and trust the Lord to give you the strength to persevere.