Church Health Assessment Survey

"The CHAT church survey really stands out. I like how CHAT identifies your church's strengths, involves every member, is easy to take online, and offers highly-readable results. What a great tool to assess where you are, fill people with hope, and together discern God's will for your future."

Kevin Miller
Executive Vice President
Christianity Today International, IL

"Steve Macchia is at it again. His burning passion to see churches achieve maximum health has taken the next step. CHAT (Church Health Assessment Tool) provides churches with an easy-to-use look at themselves that could move many congregations toward the health that Steve (and, more importantly, the Spirit) envisions."

Larry Crabb
New Way Ministries, CO

"Without a doubt, one of the greatest needs of a large number of churches in America is to become more healthy. Leadership Transformations' new CHAT survey should be a great help to all who use it. It is a joy to recommend it to you!"

Paul Cedar
The Mission America Coalition, CA

Qualities of a Healthy Church

Qualities of a Healthy Church — What Makes a Church Healthy

The qualities of a healthy church are what make it a place where God's presence is felt, genuine disciples are being created, relationships are vibrant and authentic, and the outside community is being served. It's crucial that church leaders identify what the qualities of a healthy church are and then track their own church's progress in these areas.

Qualities of a Healthy Church — Balancing Church Health Indicators

The qualities of a healthy church, as we see them, combine to form a holistic view of church health. The pursuit of church health is a balance of worship, love, and service. Based on extensive research and field testing, we've compiled a list of 10 qualities of a healthy church. The link at the bottom of this page will give you more information about the individual traits themselves. On a broader scale, we categorize the qualities into these three groups:

  • "A Life of Worship" — The Great Commandment

    • God's Empowering Presence — The healthy church actively seeks the Holy Spirit's direction and empowerment for its shared life and ministry.
    • God-Exalting Worship — The healthy church gathers regularly as the local expression of the Body of Christ to worship God in ways that engage the heart, mind, soul, and strength of the people.
    • Spiritual Disciplines — The healthy church provides training, models, and resources for members of all ages to develop their daily spiritual disciplines.
  • "A Life of Love" — The Great Compassion

    • Learning and Growing in Community — The healthy church encourages believers to grow in their walk with God and with one another in the context of a safe, affirming environment.
    • A Commitment to Loving and Caring Relationships — The healthy church is intentional in its efforts to build loving, caring relationships within families, between members and within the community we serve.
    • Servant Leadership Development — The healthy church identifies and develops individuals whom God has called and given the gift of leadership and challenges them to be servant-leaders.
  • "A Life of Service" — The Great Commission

      An Outward Focus — The healthy church places high priority on communicating the truth of Jesus and demonstrating the love of Jesus to those outside the faith.
    • Wise Administration and Accountability — The healthy church utilizes appropriate facilities, equipment, and systems to provide maximum support for the growth and development of its ministries.
    • Networking with the Body of Christ — The healthy church reaches out to others in the Body of Christ for collaboration, resource sharing, learning opportunities, and united celebrations of worship.
    • Stewardship and Generosity — The healthy church teaches its members that they are stewards of their God-given resources and challenges them to be sacrificially generous in sharing with others.

For more on the qualities of a healthy church, click here.